Your Confidant

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If you find saying the above to yourself or hear anybody saying these to themselves, then the following is apt for you

“I know I need help and I wish I weren’t here”

–– Hackney and Cormier


It is a personalized interaction between counsellor and client/counselee who are involved in a continuous process towards change in the latter. Success of counselling process depends on client’s motivation as well as the skills and qualities of the counsellor. Basic skills in counselling are communicated by a counsellor’s enthusiasm, confidence, and belief in the client’s ability to change. Counsellor behaviours are incredibly important in client outcomes, perhaps more important than theory or technique.

Need of Counselling

Outcomes of Counselling

Your Confidant Counselling Services Council

Essentials of Counselling

Effectiveness of your Counsellor

Confidant Counselling

Scope of Counselling


A Counsellor is also a Mental Health Practitioner who advises and counsels a person, or a group of people, together in a controlled environment. There can be marriage or relationship counsellors, rehabilitation counsellors, and genetic counsellors as well, who are responsible for individual or group therapy.

Learn more on Mental Health Professional and know us Your Confidant

Mental Health Counseling, Training and Awareness Your confidant
Mental Health Your Confidant - Mental Health Counselling Training and Awareness

Getting Professional Assistance

Don’t be afraid to get professional assistance if you’re having trouble controlling your sadness and anxiety on your own or if your symptoms get worse. The advice, support, and treatment given by mental health specialists is specifically designed to meet your requirements.

It takes time, self-compassion, and a variety of coping mechanisms to effectively manage depression and anxiety.

To properly manage sadness and anxiety, one needs patience, self-compassion, and a range of coping strategies.

It takes time, self-compassion, and a variety of coping mechanisms to effectively manage depression and anxiety. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all remedy because every person’s experience with these ailments is different. However, people can retake control of their lives and find hope on their road toward greater mental health by combining professional assistance, lifestyle modifications, and self-care techniques. Keep in mind that you don’t have to battle sadness and anxiety by yourself and that asking for help is a show of strength. The more you interact with people without paying attention to what they think about you, the world may be a bit more interesting than you thought!