Your Confidant

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Parenting skills


It is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. It refers to the activity of raising a child rather than the biological relationship.

It involves careful attention to every need of the child aiming at the holistic development of the child. Young parents face an overwhelming responsibility to monitor their child’s health and simultaneously begin the process of moulding the child into a sensitive, curious and bright individual.

Demands of Parenting

Some researchers have seen transition to parenthood as a crisis which creates a disruption in the patterns of affection and intimacy among the couples. Certain demands are associated with parenting.

Mothers generally experience:

Good Parenting Skills

Fathers generally experience:


Parenting is a major responsibility, a difficult task a person will ever have in life. In earlier days, parenting skills were learned from the extended families. Since the late 20th and 21st centuries people had to learn creative ways of parenting their children. To parent positively one needs to understand what it takes to do the job well. The more a person understands about a child’s development and needs, the more he/she can be aware of what it takes to create healthy environments for children to thrive.

Several factors such as parenting styles, discipline, life events, such as divorce, step parenting, abuse, sibling conflict, poor academic success, bullying, or parental substance abuse have impact on the children.

In some ways, persons intuitively know how to make good and wise decisions about parenting, but sometimes the stresses and mixed messages of the world can make it difficult. Therefore, it becomes essential to learn more about what it takes to parent effectively.

Becoming a parent is an opportunity to participate in one of the deepest emotional experiences that life offers. The arrival of a baby tends to bring with it an increased sense of responsibility and an upsurge of all fears and hopes of the parents.

Parents have the extraordinary task of nurturing an entirely dependent, entirely trusting, brand new, miraculous little self through the eighteen or twenty some years of childhood and adolescence. Babies commit the parents to nurture the seeds of a future adulthood.

Good Parenting Skills

Parenting Skills

Parenting is a process; parents change and grow to meet the needs of their children. It is important to remember that change is gradual; for parents to learn new ways can be scary, difficult, and even confusing for both children and adults.

Parents influence their children’s behaviour and children affect parents’ behaviour. Good parenting contrary to general belief is a full-time work. Therefore, one of the major keys of good parenting is to know some mistakes that can be made by parents.

Practical Parenting

Practical Parenting aims to teach discipline in a way that builds a child’s self-esteem and supports a mutually respectful parent-child relationship, without breaking the child’s spirit. Its focus is on happiness, resilience, and positive youth development. Be a good role model, what you do matters!

Think of your kids like a copy machine who will mimic everything you do. If you make poor choices in behavior, you are giving them permission to act in the same way. Check-in, with yourself, and don’t lose it in front of the children.

While these parenting pains can be frustrating, there are parenting tips on how to stay calm and encourage more acceptable behavior.

Practical Parenting is the ability to use what you have to make the child-caregiver relationship enjoyable. This type of parenting is little to no cost and takes a little time, effort, and of course a lot of patience and practice.

YOUR Confidant provides online as well as face to face counselling sessions for understanding, healing and experiencing the self. It also provides online and face to face training for the services it provides. You can book an appointment for counselling sessions