Your Confidant

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Many health-compromising behaviors such as drinking to excess smoking, illicit drug use, unsafe sex and risk-taking behavior that can lead to accidents or early death all begin in early adolescence and sometimes cluster together as part of a problem behavior syndrome. This does not suggest that all health-compromising behaviors evolve and are firmly implanted during adolescence.

Wanting to be attractive to attract others becomes very important in adolescence, and this factor is significant in the development of such behaviors. These behaviors are not acquired all at once, but through a process of exposure to vulnerability, experimentation and regular use.



It is the single greatest cause of preventable death. Smoking and drinking often go together which makes it more difficult to give up smoking. Smokers also have more accidents and injuries at work, take more sick leaves and use more health benefits than non-smokers, thereby representing substantial costs to employers. Smoking serves as an entry level drug in childhood and adolescence for subsequent substance use and abuse.

The dangers of smoking are not confined to the smoker. Studies of second-hand smoke reveal that spouses, family members of smokers, and co-workers are at risk for a variety of health disorders. Parental cigarette smoking may lower cognitive performance in adolescents by reducing blood oxygen capacity and increasing carbon monoxide levels.


Drinking alcohol is a popular social custom in many countries of the world at the present time. Regular consumption of alcohol either in low concentration or in high concentration causes dependence on alcohol which is called alcoholism. Alcoholism is one of the social evils which has spread in the society like an epidemic. It is a multi-factorial disorder in which behavioral, psychological, social, physical, pharmacological and other factors are involved.

CT Scans of chronic alcoholics show reductions in the density of their left-brain hemispheres compared to those of nonalcoholic individuals. Chronic use of too much alcohol can result in decreased blood flow and metabolic rates in certain brain regions. The damaging effects of alcohol use by pregnant women on their unborn children are devastating. Because alcohol freely crosses the placenta, the developing foetus’s blood alcohol level will be equal to that of the mother. As a result the child may develop foetal alcohol syndrome, which produces physical malformations and mental retardation.


Substance Abuse

It is generally referred to the problems of psychoactive substance use. Psychoactive substance (Barbiturates and Tranquilizers, Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Hallucinogens etc.) abuse results in maladaptive social, occupational, psychological or physical problems.


Many studies conducted in the field of Substance Dependence have concluded that better outcome is possible when the person receives non-pharmacological therapy along with pharmacological treatment.

Providing support to someone facing addiction
Offering support is extremely important, for individuals struggling with addiction. Families can provide assistance encourage treatment and educate themselves about addiction. Those dealing with addiction can benefit greatly from judgmental empathy and access to resources for treatment.

The significance of prevention in tackling addiction related issues
Prevention plays a role in addressing the challenges posed by addiction. It involves programs and awareness initiatives aimed at informing people about the dangers associated with addiction. By teaching coping mechanisms and addressing risk factors we can reduce the likelihood of developing an addiction in the place.

Available resources for assistance and information regarding addiction
There are resources to individuals seeking help or information about addiction. These include helplines dedicated to assisting those dealing with addiction support groups, specialized treatment centers as online platforms providing valuable information. Taking the step towards seeking help is crucial, for recovery. There are organizations and professionals ready to lend their support.

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