Your Confidant

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Mental Health Counseling Training and Awareness Your Confidant

Psychosomatic Diseases

It is a condition where your mental stress puts an adverse effect on your physical body i.e., psychological stress causing physiological disorder.

Psychosomatic disorder is also referred to as Psycho physiologic disorder or Somatic symptoms. In some cases, it can cause or even worsen a pre-existing diseases. There are a long list of physical or bodily diseases that are aggravated or increase their severity due to mental stress and anxiety.

These disorders can cause more concern as people try to find physical diseases for these physical issues but ignore the mental aspect, resulting in spending lots of money in tests and analysis. Hence early diagnosis is very essential before it harms the physical body greatly causing life threatening conditions.

Psychosomatic disorder is common that has affected nearly 7 % of total population and it affects women 10 times more than men.

Impact on the body

When a person is angry his blood pressure elevates with pulse and respiratory rate but when it passes away these physiological changes usually subside. But in case of chronic rage the angry state persists causing a physiological dysfunction.

Some study reveals mental stress associated with physical disorders are due to hyper activities of neurons causing nerve impulses sent from brain to other body parts causing increase in secretion of adrenaline in blood leading to a state of anxiety. Some examples to show how psychological factor can affect a medical condition are patients’ type 2 diabetic condition is worsened by hypertension caused due to stress, different studies suggest psychological stress can increase a tumor’s ability to spread and grow, hence aggravating the cancer, different skin disorders like Psoriasis, Eczema also tend to aggravate due to mental stress.

Medical conditions that arise due to this disorder are many such as:

Mental Health Counseling, Training and Awareness Your confidant

Medical conditions that arise due to this disorder are many such as:

Mental Health Counseling, Training and Awareness Your confidant


Studies recommend certain habits or issues make someone more likely to psychosomatic symptoms such as


Several treatments are available to treat physical symptoms but it should be treated as a whole considering mental issues as well. Some treatments such as below can be used to treat patients.

Psychosomatic Diseases Categories

It can generally be categorized into three groups.

In the first category, individuals experience both mental and physical illnesses, with symptoms and management of one condition complicating the other.

The second category involves individuals who develop mental health issues as a result of their medical condition and its treatment. For instance, some patients may become depressed while undergoing cancer treatment.

The third category is known as somatoform disorders, where individuals with mental illness exhibit one or more physical symptoms even when there is no associated medical condition.

Auxiliary Treatments

YOUR Confidant provides online as well as face to face counselling sessions for understanding, healing and experiencing the self. It also provides online and face to face training for the services it provides. You can book an appointment for counselling sessions