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It is one of the most intense human relationships. The quality of this relationship is continuously redefined by spouses and is potentially crucial to their overall experience of family life(Pimentel, 2000). In the traditional way, the choice of a partner is mostly done by the parents or the elders of the young adults based on certain parameters such as physical appearance, family background, cultural similarity, religious values, economic and educational compatibility. But nowadays, there has been changing trend of the adult choosing one’s own partner and deciding to commit oneself to their partner.



Dr. John Kappas’s theory of physical and emotional sexuality states that today’s behavior is the result of the environment the person was growing up. The theory was developed for use in relationship counselling. Dr John Kappas had himself failed in many relationships.

In many sessions of traditional relationship counselling, he did not like the “finger pointing” that was prevalent. People came into therapy at the point of break-up, which allows the therapist to see the clients in their worst behavior.

The question was asked, “How did these two people ever get together in the first place?” In examining both his relationships and the relationships of his clients, he began to see patterns. He began to test his theory, and pointed it out to his clients in therapy.

Physical and Emotional FemaleTraits

The Physical female is more comfortable drawing attention to her body. She does this by wearing very nice clothes, generally low-cut dresses, skimpy bathing suits, etc.

She does not require an occasion to dress for. She may dress casual for a dressy occasion to bring attention to her physical body. She will wear more stylish hairdos, and have longer fingernails.

Emotional female will wear blouses buttoned all the way up, and will dress appropriately for the occasion. She is more conservative and practical in wearing hairdos, fingernails,and make-up

Physical and Emotional MaleTraits

The Physical male will draw attention to his body by wearing an open shirt, jewellery, etc. He will tend to drive a sports car. The Physicals (both male and female) will brag about their accomplishments, and let you know they want the compliment. Physicals are comfortable in groups. At a party, the Physical will generally move from group to group, being a kind of “social butterfly”.

The Emotional will dress conservatively, generally wearing a suit and tie when appropriate. He will drive more practical, conservative car. He may want the compliment, but may turn it around when it is given, to nullify it. Emotionals are more comfortable in one-on-one situations. At a party, an emotional will sit in the corner, talking with one or two people.

Honeymoon Stage

During the “Honeymoon Stage” of a relationship, the Emotional will act more Physical and the Physical will act even more Physical. For this reason, the Emotional tends to understand the Physical better than the physical understands the Emotional.

The minute the Physicals says, “I love you”, the honeymoon stage is over, because the Emotionals now have the Physical partner where they want them, in a commitment, which allows the Emotionals to be themselves again. The Emotionals think that now the relationship is all right, they can go back to being a workaholic.

Marriage Counselling

Marriage Counseling

It is indeed a very wide field and has three important areas namely, pre-marital counselling, counselling for better marital harmony and counselling to eliminate or forestall a marriage from breaking up. In marriage counselling, the client is not either of the married partners but the marriage relationship itself.

Marriage Counseling

Why Marriage Counseling Matters for Building Stronger Relationships

Marriage is a beautiful journey that brings together two unique individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, and expectations. While the early stages of love are thrilling, keeping a marriage strong and fulfilling can be challenging as time passes. This is where marriage counselling steps in as a game-changer.

Understanding Marriage’s Ins and Outs:

Marriage isn’t just about two people coming together; it’s about merging two lives, histories, and sets of expectations. It’s only natural that conflicts and challenges will pop up along this shared path. These can arise from differences in how we talk, our values, how we handle finances or even external pressures like work stress and family matters.

Why marriage counseling is vital:

Marriage counselling, or couples therapy, is a professional service designed to guide couples through these challenges. Here’s why it’s such a big deal:

Better Communication: Good communication is the bedrock of any successful marriage. Marriage counsellors teach couples how to talk openly and kindly. They help partners see each other’s viewpoints and healthily express their needs and emotions.

Dealing with Conflicts: Every marriage has disagreements, but the key is resolving them. Counsellors give couples strategies for handling disputes without harming their relationship, promoting healthier conflict resolution.

Getting Closer: Couples might grow apart emotionally and physically as time passes. Counselling provides a safe space to reignite the emotional and physical connection, bringing back intimacy and romance.

Tackling Root Issues: Many marriage issues have deeper roots, like past traumas, unresolved problems, or unmet emotional needs. Marriage counsellors help find and address these root causes, paving the way for healing.

Preventing Divorce: Marriage counselling can act as a shield against divorce. By tackling problems early on, couples might save their relationship and dodge divorce’s emotional and financial burden.

Support in Tough Times: During crises like illness or financial struggles, marriage counselling offers emotional support and guidance for couples facing these challenges together.

Learning and Growing: Marriage counselling equips couples with essential skills like listening, empathy, and compromise. These skills improve relationships and benefit individuals in their personal lives.

Rebuilding Trust: In cases of infidelity or betrayal, marriage counselling guides couples through the difficult journey of rebuilding trust.

Strength in Seeking Help:

It’s crucial to know that seeking marriage counselling isn’t a sign of weakness but a proactive step toward a healthier, happier relationship. Just as we look after our physical health with regular check-ups, taking care of our marriage’s health through counselling can lead to a more satisfying and long-lasting partnership.

In Conclusion, Why Marriage Counseling Matters:

Marriage counselling is a precious resource for couples at any stage of their relationship. It offers guidance, support, and tools to navigate the complexities of marriage, ultimately strengthening the bond between partners. By investing in your marriage through counselling, you can nurture a loving and enduring partnership that stands the test of time.”

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