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The Significance of Compassion in Human Society

significance of compassion in human society

“The simplest acts of kindness have more of an impact than a thousand people praying.” — In honour of Mahatma Gandhi.


A lack of compassion permeates our society. A tragic truth about humanity is that most individuals care little for the plight of others. For their own safety, maybe many people choose to ignore the problem. Experiencing the pain of another person can bring up strong feelings of aversion, disgust, and fear. People are often uncaring or choose to ignore reality.

The pain we’ve endured—whether it be from an injury or illness, the loss of a job or a relationship, the passing of a loved one, the sting of prejudice or social scorn, a stroke of bad luck, or anything else—is often the catalyst for developing empathy in us and those around us.

The significance of compassion in human society

Without it, hostilities would escalate. Constant reminders of 9/11, the atomic bombing, and the Holocaust’s atrocities would be thrust upon us. Life is nasty, brutish, and short, as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes once put it. “Likely agree with you there”. Also, “The natural condition of man is a condition of war,” he said, referring to the state of humanity in the absence of government. It’s everyone versus everybody. “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries,” said the Dalai Lama. As a species, we simply won’t make it without them.

My life experiences and observations have led me to doubt that humans are inherently compassionate. I reject the idea that the capacity for compassion is hardwired into our brains. Humans don’t naturally possess this quality. In my opinion, compassion is a skill that can be developed.

The Importance of being compassionate

To varying degrees, in the early decades of the 21st century, we have all witnessed the suffering caused by natural catastrophes and man-made tragedies almost daily, whether through the internet, television, radio, or print media, or through personal experience. Too many children live in extreme poverty or have experienced trauma as a result of living in war zones, and we see or hear about incidents of homelessness and hate crimes.

People’s stories of hardship are constantly in the news, both locally and internationally. Even though it’s nearly impossible, most of us manage to live our lives without letting this suffering dominate our thoughts.

The sheer number of problems and the amount of suffering can make us want to “cultivate our own gardens,” if not bury our heads in the sand. While we frequently turn to local, national, and international government and social service agencies to address the myriad problems that cause human suffering, it is clear that more must be done. There is a pressing need for us to hear and comprehend one another, to feel for those who are afflicted, and to take care of the health and happiness of all people, both locally and globally.

What role does compassion play in society?

Relationships get better when people are compassionate: Being compassionate can also help you develop the connections and social support you need to maintain your mental health. Your interpersonal interactions may also be protected. According to research, compassion is a major indicator of marital success and satisfaction.

Empathy and action are two aspects of compassion. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person’s situation and try to understand how they feel. Action is the act of lending a helping hand to someone in need or showing kindness without expecting anything in return. Compassion in medicine can hasten recovery and aid in the prevention of illnesses. By increasing collaboration between individuals, groups, and healthcare workers and patients, compassion can increase staff productivity.

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Shruti Dua, Blogger, BSc.(Psychology)

Your Confidant

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