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We all want to be Happy!

We all want to be Happy

We all want to be happy.

To some of us happiness is good food, a glamourous wardrobe, fancy cars, and to some, it is peace, tranquility and a life without much stress. At the end of the day, only some of us are happy. We’re either worried about material possessions, or mental stress comes in to greet us. “Enjoy the happy moments” we’ve heard them say, but what actually is happiness? How can we find it out in our daily lives?

What actually is Happiness?

Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment (Kendra Cherry, 2022). So, the birthday bash that you await every year is a small fraction of all the happiness life has to offer. Happiness does have a pretty important role in our lives, and it can have a huge impact on the way we live our lives (Ackerman, 2019). The sole reason every wise person has said “Be happy with what you have” is because it promotes the sense of happiness and satisfaction.

Why is Happiness so important?

Well, the question might arise “Why is happiness so important?” It is because of various reasons. Happiness defeats a bunch of mental health problems, most commonly anxiety and depression, strengthens resilience, helps in better understanding of bonding and relationships, makes us feel gratitude, and a lot of other positive feelings that boost both mental, and physical health. Instead of chasing materialistic things in order to be happy, one must find solace in oneself. Buddha said, “Happiness is a journey, not the destination.” When we are happy with ourselves, everything we do is the consequence of being highly motivated.

5 habits that make us unhappy

Lisa Wirthman, in her article published in 2017 mentions the 5 habits that make us unhappy.

(1) Waiting for happiness as mentioned above, it is NOT a destination.

(2) Comparing ourselves to others. “They have a big house, a comfortable life, thus they are happy”. NO, a millionaire might be sad, while a beggar can be happy. It’s how we perceive life. Then you might understand that comfort is not directly proportional to happiness.

(3) Avoiding company: Isolation is the worst step one could possibly ever take. Indulging even in short conversation with people around us can prove beneficial. Trying to socialize can be healthy but to such an extent that it doesn’t drain the social energy.

(4) Blaming others is hazardous practice. Didn’t get good marks? Teacher’s fault. Didn’t score a goal at soccer? Teammates responsible. Accepting shortcomings and moving on are necessary.

(5) Last but not the least, aiming for perfection. We should never ever hope to be perfect. Flaws are good and are the best teachers we can ever find. Even if it sounds clichéd, it is right.

All in all, happiness is a virtue, and anyone comprising this would live life on good terms.

5 habits that make us Happy

Focusing on the five habits of happiness:

(1) Gratitude : A little appreciation goes a long way when it comes to gratitude. Additionally, being grateful frequently results in receiving gratitude, which is pleasant. So, don’t hold back on expressing your gratitude; doing so will ultimately make you happier.

(2) Compassion: Simple deeds of kindness make a bigger difference than a thousand prayers. Compassion can help you feel calmer and happier by reducing stress and putting your life in perspective.

(3) Empathy: Good relationships are the foundation of happiness, and empathy is the cornerstone of good relationships.

(4) Service: There is a direct correlation between happiness, health, and service. Serving the happiness of others is an expression of your own satisfaction.

(5) Positive Reflection: Finding security at the point of fear, strength in forgiving, hope in one’s struggles, and love in conflicts are all characteristics of happiness. Being joyful means reflecting on the grief as well as cherishing the grin. Not only is the event being remembered, but also failures’ lessons are being learned.

Do you also want to feel happiness? Need any help? Reach out to us for your healing journey!

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Bijoylaxmi Das, Blogger, BA (Psychology)

Your Confidant

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