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ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor!

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Driven by a Motor!

ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor!. Almost all kids occasionally exhibit uncontrollable conduct. They might move quickly, create noise constantly, refuse to wait their turn, and collide with everything in their path. Other times, they could become disoriented, as if daydreaming, and fail to pay attention or finish what they start. ADHD – Driven by a Motor

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Driven by a Motor!
ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor!

These types of behaviours, meanwhile, are more than a passing issue for some kids. Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently exhibit severe behavioural issues that make it difficult for them to lead typical lives. These kids frequently struggle to get along with their siblings and other kids at home, at school, and in other situations. People who have problems focusing typically struggle to learn. Some people have impulsive tendencies, which could put them in risk physically.

Children with ADHD may be called “bad kids” or “space cadets” because they have trouble managing their conduct. More severe forms of ADHD, if untreated, can cause substantial, lifetime issues like poor academic performance, legal issues, failed relationships, substance misuse, and the inability to maintain employment.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Driven by a Motor!
ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor!

ADHD includes 3 behaviour symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

A child with inattention symptoms may have the following behaviours:

  • Has a hard time paying attention, daydreams
  • Does not seem to listen
  • Is easily distracted from work or play
  • Does not seem to care about details, makes careless mistakes
  • Does not follow through on instructions or finish tasks
  • Is disorganized
  • Loses a lot of important things
  • Forgets things
  • Does not want to do things that require ongoing mental effort

A child with hyperactivity symptoms may have the following behaviours:

  • Is in constant motion, as if “driven by a motor”
  • Cannot stay seated
  • Squirms and fidgets
  • Talks too much
  • Runs, jumps, and climbs when this is not permitted
  • Cannot play quietly (video games do not count)

A child with impulsivity symptoms may have the following behaviours:

  • Acts and speaks without thinking
  • May run into the street without looking for traffic first
  • Has trouble taking turns
  • Cannot wait for things
  • Calls out answers before the question is complete

What causes ADHD and Hyperactivity?

ADHD and Hyperactivity - Driven by a Motor!
ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor!
  • ADHD is one of the most studied conditions of childhood but the cause of ADHD is still not clear at this time. The most popular current theory of ADHD is that ADHD represents a disorder of “executive function”. This implies dysfunction in the prefrontal lobes so that the child lacks the ability for behavioural inhibition or self-regulation of such executive functions as nonverbal working memory, speech internalization, affect, emotion, motivation, and arousal. It is believed that children with ADHD lack the right balance of neurotransmitters, which are specific chemicals in their brains, that help them to focus and inhibit impulses.
  • Because of this relative inability to inhibit, the child lives pretty much only in the “now” and lacks the ability to modify or delay behaviour in view of future consequences. Since children with ADHD are often unaware of their behaviour, they may become defiant and may even lie and claim, “I didn’t do it!”

For some children, these behaviors, however, go beyond a fleeting problem. It can be challenging for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to lead ordinary lives since they usually display severe behavioral problems. These children usually have trouble getting along with other children at home, in school, and in other settings. Focusing issues commonly make it difficult for people to study. Impulsive inclinations can put certain people at danger for physical harm.

Seek expert assistance: Consulting a mental health professional may be beneficial for anyone dealing with ADHD and Hyperactivity – Driven by a Motor! concerns.


Learn more: Mental Health Awareness 

Mobile Phone Addiction & Teenagers

Shruti Dua, Mental Health Blogger, YOUR Confidant

Your Confidant

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