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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)


One of the most prevalent childhood psychiatric disorders has been identified as autism. According to Kuder (2003), 2.1% of Americans between the ages of 8 and 17 are thought to have some kind of autism.

Although autism manifests in a variety of behaviours, it is mostly distinguished by difficulties in speech and language, a lack of sustained attention, low levels of activity, tantrums, sleep disturbances, aggression, poor motor control, and other non-compliant behaviours.

Aspects of autism spectrum disorders that are biological and genetic

Children and adults with impairments in motor coordination, social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and language development are referred to as being on the autism spectrum (Tager-Flusberg, Paul and Lord, 2005). According to the authors, autism is a neurological condition caused by the brain’s inability to carry out some regular processes.

Although there is a strong hereditary correlation between autism and genetics, the origins of autism as well as the reasons why it impacts linguistic and communication skills are not fully understood.


According to studies, the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is inherited from one family member to the next. According to American Psychiatric Association research from 2000, siblings had a 3-6% likelihood of developing autism.

But according to Korvatska et al. (2002), the absence of extensive family histories is to blame for the difficulty scientists have in identifying the genetic components of autism. Most often, people with autism become so socially withdrawn that they hardly ever get married or have kids. As a result, it is challenging to locate a family that has comprehensive genetic data regarding autism.

On the plus side, twins have been employed to investigate the genetics of autism (Beaudet, 2007). According to one study, there is an 82% chance that an identical twin with autism will also have the condition. This is different from the 10% possibility that the data from fraternal twins suggested. More recent, more thorough research have come to the conclusion that inherited genetic factors account for 90% of the behavioural traits associated with autism (Happé & Ronald, 2008). This demonstrates that there is a major genetic component to autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Origin of Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

The difficulty in determining the biological origin of autism stems from our limited ability to systematically access and study the brain. The anatomy and operation of the brain can now be studied because of technological developments like MRIs, CT scans, and SPECT scans.

As a result, experts have concluded that the majority of the brain’s structural components are crucial to the emergence of ASD. They include, but are not limited to, “the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, limbic system, corpus callosum, basal ganglia, and brain stem,” according to NIMH (2009, p. 1).

Similar to this, other studies show a substantial association between autism and a number of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and epinephrine. The failure in the numerous brain structures and their roles that they each play is the cause of a number of ASD symptoms.

Does autism improve with age?

Does autism worsen as people age?
Yes, as they become older, some autistic kids start to interact with the environment more and exhibit less behavioral issues. In actuality, those who first have the least severe issues may eventually enjoy regular or nearly normal lives.

Can autistic people lead typical lives?

In conclusion, with the correct help and tools, a person with autism may definitely lead a normal life. People with autism can achieve their goals and have satisfying lives with the aid of early intervention, education, and community support.


Learn more: Mental Health Awareness 

Mobile Phone Addiction & Teenagers

Shruti Dua, Mental Health Blogger, YOUR Confidant


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