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Depression – Hug me, I am stress free



This is a word that is used far too casually in today’s society. In the English language, “bad day” can mean just about anything, from the occasional inconvenience to the total impossibility of surviving one’s own existence. Depression, on the other hand, is far more complex than a single word can express.

For many people, it becomes so entrenched in their lives that it becomes impossible to remember the beginning. It’s a sneaky one that grows on you over time. In the beginning, small, inconsequential changes led to larger, more obvious alterations. That legendary black cloud appears out of nowhere.

Depressive symptoms

Depressive symptoms can be found in young adults because of the many social and emotional challenges they face. Feeling “blue” or “unhappy” is one way to describe the state of being depressed. Depressed people may feel so sad at times that they retreat and lose interest in activities that they formerly loved to do.


In severe circumstances, some people even commit suicide. In most cases, depression is not brought on by a single traumatic experience but rather by a combination of experiences and other circumstances that are unique to the individual. The number of causes that may trigger depression varies from individual to individual. Abuse, family strife, and other problems of a private nature are all possible causes for concern. It could also be a result of a death or loss, and the person is unable to overcome their sadness.

It takes enormous effort to carry out even the smallest of tasks. Even more pressure is being put on people to do something. People are continually telling you that you should talk to someone or tell someone about your situation, but how can you put words to something that is so difficult to understand, even for yourself? Telling someone that you want a fulfilling life but are unsure of how to get it can be a challenge. How can you explain that you no longer have control over this and it no longer feels like a decision to you?

The effects of Depression

Depression begins as a response. response to the life you never dreamed of having. It’s a reaction to feeling stressed out and powerless to improve your circumstances. We are unwilling to accept the way things are or were. Lack of self-care and excessive giving to others are the root causes of this. It’s a strong feeling of resentment and rage toward a person or situation. It’s a lack of desire to accept any more of life’s challenges. We’re filled with remorse and sorrow. More than that, in fact. Because of how slowly and discretely it creeps up on us, we aren’t always conscious of why it happens.

For anyone reading this who can connect to all or some of what I’ve stated, if you’re suffering from mild to moderate depression, getting out of the house, doing something you enjoy, or even just talking to a friend will help lift your spirits. All of this, however, may be too much for someone suffering from more severe and prolonged depression. As a result, it’s quite difficult to emerge out of it on one’s own.

How to deal with Depression

Accepting that depression is a part of your life now is the first step. It’s time to take responsibility for your own actions. It is unhelpful to pretend to be fine if you are suffering from depression.

Second, give yourself plenty of time to complete this; it will take some time. There is no quick fix, but it is possible that it will improve at the same rate at which it developed. You couldn’t have imagined what you are going through now, and you can’t imagine ever feeling better. But don’t let your inability to envision a better tomorrow stop you from taking action today.

Third, despite the fact that it may seem impossible, you must seek assistance from someone, whether it is your doctor, a professional, or the person who is constantly trying to persuade you to get out of this mess. Neither you nor any of these people will accomplish it correctly, but they will provide their assistance to you. Making that decision to enable others to help can be the most difficult part of overcoming reluctance.

Seek professional assistance: Consulting a mental health expert may be beneficial if your depressive symptoms are significantly affecting your everyday life or causing you great discomfort.

Learn more: Mental Health Awareness 

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Shruti Dua, Mental Health Blogger, YOUR Confidant

Your Confidant

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