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3 Best Methods to Communicate with Your Child?


Let us understand the reasons for the lack of communication with your child and how to work with them for a better relationship with your child. How to improve communication between parent and child? What is the best method to communicate with your child?

#1 Reason: Parents’ excessive busyness.

Sometimes weeks go by and you could not even share a single laugh with your child.

Solution: I would suggest spending at least 30 minutes with them every day. There is no certified right amount of time, but spending no time is just wrong. Even when you are traveling try to call them.

#2 Reason: Some parents are very negative and harsh towards children.

To check that, think of the last 10 interactions with your child. What were they like? If your answer is like- I asked them about homework, I asked them to finish their meals, I asked them to stop watching TV, etc. Then, where is the happiness? Where is the fun? Of course, there is going to be distance.

Solution: Make sure that there is a steady dose of positivity and warmth in the communication with your child. Neutral and positive interactions should make up the majority part of the relationship.

Let me illustrate how I communicate with my son when he is away from home. “How are you? How is everything? How are your roommates? How are your friends?” and after all this conversation I ask him- I hope you are studying well for your exams. And I know, once his exams are over, I will not enquire about his studies for at least some time. So, the idea is you must be flexible according to the situation. But the thumb rule is to be positive and encouraging always.

#3 Reason: Many parents have nothing to talk about with their children.

Solution: Treat your child as your friend. I remember when I was young, my mother used to share things like how naughty she was when she was in school, whom she liked the most and why, among her friends, how my father incurred losses in his business, what all work she did in her office, why she liked or disliked her boss.

At times it used to be a serious discussion but most of the time it was great fun, we used to laugh out loud. So, the point that I am trying to put forward is that you can talk to your children about anything. The more transparent and open you can be, the better it is. This is one of the best method to communicate with your child

Importance of Parent-Child communication

You can and should talk about everything. So, open up the gates to all kinds of topics. Have a diverse conversation with them. Children might ask weird questions as they grow. Answer them. Engage them. Don’t suppress topics. If you don’t know the answers, google the answers, with them. Do not send them away saying, you are too young to understand this. Do not ask them to leave the room every time you are talking about something serious with other adults. Make them feel included. And this will be one of the best tools to be close to your child.

5 child friendly communication techniques to communicate with your child

1. Active Listening:

Pay full attention when your child speaks and show genuine interest in what they’re saying. Make eye contact, nod, and use verbal cues to let them know you’re listening, which encourages them to express themselves freely.

2. Use Simple Language:

Tailor your communication to your child’s age and comprehension level. Avoid using complex or confusing language, and break down information into easily understandable terms.

3. Empathize and Validate:

Acknowledge your child’s feelings and emotions, even if you may not fully understand their perspective. Let them know their feelings are valid, which fosters a sense of trust and openness.

4. Encourage Openness:

Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where your child feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns. Avoid criticizing or dismissing their ideas, and be supportive of their self-expression.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement:

Offer praise and encouragement when your child communicates effectively or shares their thoughts openly. Positive reinforcement boosts their confidence and encourages them to engage in healthy communication habits.

By incorporating these child-friendly communication techniques, you can nurture a strong and loving relationship with your child while fostering their emotional development and communication skills.

You can read more on 5 PRACTICAL PARENTING TIPS and watch a video on HOW TO INTERACT WITH CHILD?

Pooja Kapoor (A Research Scholar), Counsellor & Hypnotherapist, YOUR Confidant



Your Confidant

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