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Understand Mind and Body Connection -Improve Physical & Mental Health

Mind and Body Connection

Today, I want to discuss psychosomatic medicine, often known as mind-body medicine. There are a ton of conditions that are categorized as psychosomatic disorders, including the notion that neck and back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and migraines all have a psychosomatic component.

Understand Mind and Body Connection

Your mind and body connection are connected in so many different ways. while you’re worried or have a confused mind. You know it will transform the disturbance into some sort of bodily distortion when there is tension, anxiety, fear, depression, and anger. Psychosomatic Illness Is About Your Mind Attacking Your Body. Unconscious thoughts are converted into physical symptoms. What you think matters!

Psychosomatic component to every single illness

You know, I might make the case that there’s a psychosomatic component to every single illness. Yeah, just in the sense that even if your mind doesn’t cause the problem, although sometimes I think it may, your mind can exacerbate or aggravate the situation, make it worse, make it harder to heal, make it easier for you to catch a disease or an illness of some sort, and your mental state makes it harder to cure it, recover from it, and heal from it.

Psychosomatic component
Psychosomatic Component

Now tied into this is the idea that you know that sometimes people don’t take cues from your mind that their mind is trying to tell them that something is wrong in their life. They ignore it, they bury it, deny it, and then something happens to their body, so there are a lot of people whose jobs are terrible, stressful, overworked, overburdened, and they have a supervisor who is a petty tyrant. They may feel that they’re being physically or emotionally abused, bullied, or harassed at work in some way.

The work environment is bad news, and they may know it, but they don’t realize it’s chewing them up. There may be practical reasons why they feel they can’t leave the job because of benefits or fear that they won’t get a job that pays as much, but what happens is. So, they know they should leave the job.

Perhaps they’ve tried to alter the circumstances and address the issues at work or with Human Resources, and those things have failed, so they know they should leave the job, but they don’t for these other practical reasons, and so the body thence.

Mind and Body Connection
Mind and Body Connection

Mind and Body Conversation

Then the mind says, “OK, listen, you’re not paying attention, you’re not listening to me, this is a messed up job that is not gratifying; you’re there for the wrong reasons.

Yes, they may seem very practical, but this differs from how you should live, so the mind tells you this needs to be corrected. It would help if you got out of there but you don’t listen. The mind says, “OK, I’ll try to get your attention some other way. And so you know either it manages to make you like your inattentive and distracted. So you slip on a banana peel and now have and now like crack a few vertebrae in your back, and now you’re in workers comp for like, you know, 14 years and in pain and suffering, and that’s one way to get out at the job, or it just makes you sick a lot.

You have a lot of, you know, flu and viruses, and you understand, and things land in test problem so that makes you take sick days of some sort, or it somehow gets other accidents to happen, or suddenly you develop intense migraines or irritable bowel or colitis of some sort or you know some other physical ailment maybe even like get cancer because you’re not paying attention to your mind.

Pay attention to your Mind

You’re not listening, so your mind tries to get your attention by throwing something horrible at you in the way of an illness, a disease, or even an accident that takes you out of the equation; so what’s the lesson from this but you got to pay attention to your mind, and it’s not good to deny what you know to be accurate and because if you don’t pay attention to you two things that your mind is trying to tip you off to get out of a job or get out of a relationship that’s toxic and hostile and potentially dangerous.

You ignore that for reasons of insecurity or fear of abandonment or financial security or whatever, so you stay in a relationship.

Psychosomatic Medicine – Improve Physical & Mental Health

When your mind is telling you to go, you know, and then you get hit in the face. We’re thrown down the stairs, killed, or who knows what, or our life is a perpetual nightmare of abuse. You know, life is tough; there aren’t easy choices. I’m not trying to minimize life’s difficulty and struggle; sometimes, the seeming necessity of staying in relationships is staying at a certain job.

But, you know, if you can get out of bed of toxic relationships and jobs, you should before your mind does a number on you or somebody else does a number on you, or if you can’t, if you insist that you can’t get out of that job or get out of that relationship, then you need to find a way to decompress to release that tension that internal aggression, that anger that resentment, that grievance, that bitterness, that judgment, that fears find a way to discharge it to vent it healthily.

You know to release that stress so that something terrible doesn’t happen to you.

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Psychosomatic Disorders Conditions: Definition, Symptoms, and Factors

Samarpita Nayak, Co-Founder & Mental Health Counsellor, YOUR Confidant

Your Confidant

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